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   This company was created by Nyairie Garcia, who was diagnosed at age 1-years old with a rare type of cancer called Neuroblastoma. Through her journey with beating this childhood cancer. "Each year, 800 new cases are diagnosed in the United States. It occurs slightly more often in boys than in girls. Neuroblastoma accounts for 50 percent of all cancers infants, making it the most common tumor in infants younger than 1 year. Most children with neuroblastoma are diagnosed before age 5(, 2015)."


Luckily for Nyairie her mother found the tumor in her neck early and acted fast.  

Nyaire Maybe just 9-years-old today but she knows what she wants and that's to become a doctor and help other children fight their battle just as she had. And one-day Nyaire came to her mother and said "Let's make natural bath products and let's use some of the money to save lives. At that point, her mother and grandmother teamed up and made her dream come true. Now Nyairie uses her proceeds towards her dream to become a doctor and 10 percent will go to UCSF children's blood and Diseases towards Neuroblastoma.


A special thanks go out to UCSF Oncology,  Dr. Katherine Matthay for not waiting and taking action. 



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